IRC [03:01] *** rijavect joined the chat.
IRC [03:02] <rijavect> hy
IRC [03:04] <rijavect> huh :)
IRC [04:04] *** rico parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** IEF parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** CIA-44 parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** daguz parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** KnifeHat parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** frankie parted the chat.
IRC [07:54] *** tekbasse parted the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** CIA-44 joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** KnifeHat joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** IEF joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** tekbasse joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** daguz joined the chat.
IRC [07:57] *** frankie joined the chat.