AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [11:20] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [12:15] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [12:22] *** dekoy joined the chat.
IRC [12:41] <dekoy> where does nsd get's it date for the log timestamp? It's off by an hour on some of our dev servers
IRC [12:42] <Dossy> ?
IRC [12:42] <Dossy> timezone issue? I believe we use gettimeofday()
IRC [12:45] <dekoy> hrmmm
IRC [12:45] <dekoy> date
IRC [12:45] <dekoy> Fri Feb 29 11:45:22 CST 2008
IRC [12:45] <dekoy> - - [29/Feb/2008:12:44:25 -0500]
IRC [12:46] <dekoy> it's ahead by an hour
IRC [12:46] <dekoy> oh idiot
IRC [12:46] <dekoy> it's using -0500
IRC [12:46] <dekoy> that's why
IRC [12:47] <dekoy> question is why :)
IRC [12:51] <dekoy> huh there ya go somebody did unset TZ on the startup script
IRC [12:51] <dekoy> thanks :)
IRC [13:06] <Dossy> :)
IRC [18:14] *** dekoy parted the chat.