IRC [00:23] *** _Suman_ joined the chat.
IRC [00:24] <_Suman_> anyone here now?
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IRC [01:19] *** _Suman_ parted the chat.
IRC [01:20] *** Suman joined the chat.
IRC [01:22] <Suman> Hi!
IRC [01:23] <Suman> I have a problem - aolserver doesn't write error logs even when I specify it in start-up tcl file
IRC [01:23] <Suman> any idea why it happens?
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IRC [11:05] *** holycow joined the chat.
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IRC [16:04] *** Suman joined the chat.
IRC [16:04] <Suman> hi
IRC [16:05] <Suman> I need help regarding startup configuration tcl file ...
IRC [16:05] <Suman> I could compile different binaries on windows ... importantly nsd, nsoracle and tcl
IRC [16:06] <Suman> when I point my browser to local aolserver, I expect index.tcl file to be interpreted
IRC [16:07] <Suman> but I am receiving a verbatim tcl script without getting interpreted ...
IRC [16:07] <Suman> can someone help me why
IRC [16:08] <Suman> also, for some reason, loading nsoracle throws an exception saying OCIInitialize() fails saying "SQL : [nil]"
IRC [16:09] <Suman> googling on it only showed me that it is a problem with ORACLE_HOME env variable not being set, but I can see it is set in windows environment.
IRC [16:09] <Suman> what else could be wrong?
IRC [16:19] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [16:49] <tekbasse> Suman, check the permissions settings on index.tcl and also verify that the tcl interpreter settings inthe config.tcl file is set properly
IRC [16:49] <tekbasse> bbl
IRC [17:55] <Suman> thanks tekbasse!
IRC [17:56] <Suman> I will check it out ..
IRC [17:57] <Suman> there is one more problem ... earlier, when I start up aolserver, it used to log the information to error.log (set as ServerLog ns_param)
IRC [17:57] <Suman> it no longer is logging info and I start wondeing what I could have changed to make it stop working ...
IRC [19:03] *** JohnnyRidden parted the chat.
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IRC [22:40] *** holycow parted the chat.
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