IRC [03:30] *** partymola parted the chat.
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IRC [14:18] *** cacru1 joined the chat.
IRC [14:20] <cacru1> can anyone tell me what does "ns_param ConnsPerThread 0" ?
IRC [14:20] <cacru1> dos this mean that one thread can have unlimited connections ?
IRC [14:20] <Dossy> it should
IRC [14:21] <cacru1> than does this mean , that i can have maxthread 0
IRC [14:21] <cacru1> as 1 thread should be able to handle any number of thread
IRC [14:21] <cacru1> or maybe maxthread 1
IRC [14:23] <cacru1> I meant "maxthread = 1 as 1 thread should be able to handle any number of connection "
IRC [14:32] <Dossy> hmm, maxthread 0 - probably not ...
IRC [14:32] <Dossy> maxthread = 1 means only one thread will be used to handle connections - which means, if two requests come in, one will have to wait while the other is being processed
IRC [14:33] <Dossy> maxthread = concurrency level
IRC [14:33] <Dossy> connsperthread = number of requests a thread can handle before it's cleaned up
IRC [14:33] <Dossy> if you're setting connsperthread != 0, that's usually because you know you have application code that leaks
IRC [14:34] <cacru1> :) I think it does ,
IRC [14:34] <cacru1> i have always have been looking in to find way \s to detect those memory leaks , while you were away i was googling
IRC [14:34] <cacru1> and came across this page
IRC [14:34] <cacru1> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=3152&atid=103152&aid=1082401
IRC [14:35] <cacru1> which i think is a bug you posted
IRC [14:35] <Dossy> yeah
IRC [14:35] <cacru1> "This bug may only happen on SMP machines." , is this still valid in aoolserver 4.,0.10 CVS version
IRC [14:35] <cacru1> if it is than what connsperthread should i use , these are heavlily used servers
IRC [14:36] <Dossy> connsperthread should almost always be set to 0, unless you have a good reason to set it otherwise
IRC [14:36] <cacru1> even on SMP machines with this bug
IRC [14:36] <cacru1> my aolserver keeps growing in memory size
IRC [14:37] <Dossy> it's tough to find those leaks
IRC [14:37] <cacru1> hmm
IRC [14:37] <Dossy> but if you set connsperthread > 0, you'll almost always see a leak :)
IRC [14:38] <cacru1> is there a training , reading material , or guideline i can use to find out whats causing it to grow all the time ,
IRC [14:40] <Dossy> unfortunately, not really. you could try running aolserver under valgrind or purify or any other memory leak detection tool
IRC [14:40] <cacru1> i was actullayy reading about valgring , but i am not sure if it will work if the leak is in a module , for example nsoracle or nsmysql
IRC [14:40] <cacru1> but i will give it a try
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IRC [18:36] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [22:22] *** holycow parted the chat.