IRC [04:02] *** cacrus parted the chat.
IRC [04:16] *** cacrus joined the chat.
IRC [10:31] *** holymoly joined the chat.
IRC [11:36] *** partymola joined the chat.
IRC [14:24] *** handyman99 joined the chat.
IRC [14:24] <handyman99> does aolserver do caching?
IRC [14:25] <handyman99> or is it better to run squid or something?
IRC [14:25] <handyman99> then memcached for the db
IRC [15:55] *** Dossy parted the chat.
IRC [15:56] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [16:40] *** partymola parted the chat.
IRC [16:42] *** handyman99 parted the chat.
IRC [23:34] <Dossy> Boy, it must be that time of year again, when the mailing list bursts with activity, before it dies out for another year. :-)