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IRC [13:13] *** KNReC joined the chat.
IRC [13:25] <EvilOtto> looking at some memory info from mempools.adp (incidentally, why has that been removed in cvs?) and 2 notable things I'm seeing: there are alot of pools listed for threads that appear to no longer exist (judging from ns_info threads), and there are a lot (almost 150) of separate pools for one particular thread (the driver thread). My server has been up for about a week, and has served in...
IRC [13:25] <EvilOtto> ...that time a few hundred pages at most.
IRC [14:22] <Dossy> EvilOtto: Good questions - I have no good answers for you. Scheduled procs?
IRC [14:24] <KNReC> Is there a way the assignment of those 150 pools could get from schedule procs to the driver thread?
IRC [14:25] <EvilOtto> I did find the answer to why it was removed at least - those are now all defined in stats.tcl when ns/server/stats:enabled = 1
IRC [14:25] <EvilOtto> only schedled procs are logrolls AFAICT.
IRC [14:26] <Dossy> IIRC, memory pools show up under the driver thread sometimes - can't remember why, now...
IRC [14:26] <Dossy> EvilOtto: Ah, that makes sense.
IRC [14:26] <KNReC> (off-topic: if whoever did stats.tcl is still around, kudos. It's been a huge help just in explaining to folks why we ported up from 3.4 to 4.5)
IRC [14:27] <KNReC> (Never underestimate the power of good demo, especially to sales & support engineers :-))
IRC [14:28] <Dossy> Ha. I think stats.tcl was Nathan.
IRC [14:31] <EvilOtto> I was going to upgrade to 8.5.2/4.5 so I'm working with a the latest stuff (I'm currently on 8.4.7/4.0.8) but when I tried it I got weird behavior (first connection wouldn't run) until I backed out Gustaf Neumann's driver/pools patches.
IRC [14:35] <KNReC> I think we ported b4 those went in. We're running 8.4.14 / 4.5.?; we took CVS head about this time last year to start moving from 3.4 up; we've been very selective about what we've taken since then.
IRC [14:37] <KNReC> But Vlad Hociota was the guy who grabbed the CVS state into our P4 repo here, don't know exactly what he took.
IRC [15:16] <Dossy> Guh. Time to bust out the soldering iron to fix my 3rd gen iPod.
IRC [15:17] <KNReC> Replacing the battery :-) ?
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> Already replaced the battery. I broke the headphone jack cable off from its connector.
IRC [15:19] <Dossy> Going to resolder it back on.
IRC [15:21] <KNReC> I'd have to break out the magnifier, too, to pull that off. Good luck!
IRC [15:21] <Dossy> LOL. I'm not repairing traces ... heh
IRC [15:31] <KNReC> Yeah, well, I've never been great at seeing the small stuff. I'll be seeing a lot of solder tomorrow @ Maker Faire http://makerfaire.com/ ; maybe I'll try to build a little bot there.
IRC [15:32] <EvilOtto> I wish I could go to that ... prior commitments preclude it :(
IRC [15:32] <KNReC> Bummer. Went last year and had a blast.
IRC [15:32] <KNReC> Literally and figuratively :-)
IRC [15:34] <KNReC> I've never gotten out to Burning Man or seen SRL live, so it's the best chance to check out big flaming metal stuff I get each year:-)
IRC [16:08] *** KNReC parted the chat.
IRC [18:42] <EvilOtto> all these separate memory pools that seem to belong to the driver thread have memory allocation in the largest bucket (16284) that is an integral multiple of 16001 bytes. I find that interesting.
IRC [18:49] *** Mooooooo joined the chat.
IRC [18:54] <EvilOtto> 16000 being of course the default buffer length, and an extra byte gets added in the allocation within dstring. Ok, so at least that's easily explainable.
IRC [19:04] <Mooooooo> other than ns_xml, are there any other modules for creating xml files?
IRC [19:21] <EvilOtto> tdom works afaik
IRC [19:21] <EvilOtto> it's not an aolserver module specifically but it has been tested (and may have a specific compilation flag)
IRC [19:26] <Mooooooo> i saw a couple references to nstdom but couldnt find it
IRC [19:42] <Mooooooo> ah, it does have compile options for aolserver
IRC [19:45] <EvilOtto> tdom is in general an excellent package. My sole gripe with it is memory/object management which is to a certain extent a fault with tcl.
IRC [19:47] <Mooooooo> will give it a try on Monday. thanks :)
IRC [19:52] <Dossy> I have serious gripes w/ tDOM, but that's just me. :-)
IRC [19:58] <Mooooooo> anything particular?
IRC [20:12] <Dossy> Not thrilled w/ the commands. I'm just grumpy.
IRC [20:13] <Dossy> I just deal with it. Not worth expending any real brainpower over it.
IRC [20:20] <EvilOtto> rolf is pretty good IMO about answering questions and making changes that make sense
IRC [21:01] <Dossy> Absolutely.
IRC [21:12] *** EvilOtto parted the chat.
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