IRC [00:35] *** the_unmaker joined the chat.
IRC [00:51] *** the_unmaker parted the chat.
IRC [06:56] *** _justQ_ joined the chat.
IRC [07:01] <_justQ_> Hi, I'm using oracle10g and Aolserver 4.5, all in LInux and I was wondering which character set encoding Would you recommend to use in my oracle database in order to avoid displaying funny characters when supporting languages such as Russian, Greek, European languages and Chinese? , Would UTF8 works ok?
IRC [07:30] <cacru1> yes utf8 is ok ,
IRC [07:36] <_justQ_> thanks =)
IRC [09:11] *** Dossy joined the chat.
IRC [09:29] *** hgcphoenix parted the chat.
IRC [10:29] *** holycow joined the chat.
IRC [11:05] *** alexanderwz joined the chat.
IRC [13:10] *** _justQ_ parted the chat.
IRC [17:07] *** holycow parted the chat.
IRC [22:53] *** hgcphoenix joined the chat.
IRC [23:29] *** hgcphoenix parted the chat.