AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [12:45] *** fcr parted the chat.
IRC [12:47] *** Guest1266 joined the chat.
IRC [13:53] *** fcr parted the chat.
IRC [14:42] *** cnk joined the chat.
IRC [15:16] *** justis joined the chat.
IRC [15:25] <justis> Does anyone here have tips on how to fix my installation of nsfreedtds? Upon each use, it causes the whole instance of nsd to crash.
IRC [15:25] <justis> Right before the crash, I get this in the log "Fatal: received fatal signal 11"
IRC [15:35] <cnk> I need to construct an http response that is essentially ns_returnredirect but with the method POST.
IRC [15:35] <cnk> justis: room seems quiet. Any luck over at #openacs?
IRC [15:38] <justis> cnk: Haven't tried #openacs yet.
IRC [15:38] <cnk> seems pretty dead there to but....
IRC [15:38] <justis> cnk: the server response isn't dependent on the request method
IRC [15:39] <justis> cnk: you should be able to do it even if it's a post ... are you wanting to do it *only* when it's a post?
IRC [15:39] <cnk> I need my aolserver to send a POST not a GET
IRC [15:40] <justis> cnk: your server does not send the method, the client does.
IRC [15:40] <justis> cnk: you have it backward
IRC [15:41] <justis> cnk: if you need to POST from your server to another server, you need something like tclcurl
IRC [15:41] <cnk> damn
IRC [15:41] <cnk> I do need to POST from my server
IRC [15:42] <cnk> Thanks for clarifying that I can't do what I want with just plain AOLserver. I'll modify the receiver to deal with only receiving GET requests
IRC [15:42] <justis> cnk: what command are you using to send the GET request?
IRC [15:43] <justis> cnk: here's a common way:
IRC [15:44] <justis> cnk: I prefer tclcurl, because it's more flexible.
IRC [15:44] <cnk> ns_respond -status 302 -string redirection -headers $headers were headers contained method = POST
IRC [15:44] <cnk> OK. Actually Dave over on the OpenACS list pointed me to some OACS stuff that I can probably borrow for this
IRC [15:44] <justis> cnk: are you trying to get the client to re-post what it sent to the wrong URL?
IRC [15:46] <cnk> no, I am trying to emulate a web service from my old tcl site. The other web site wants the response to be a POST (because it is doing pseudo-RESTful urls)
IRC [15:50] <justis> cnk: if you're doing REST, you want tclcurl
IRC [15:51] <justis> cnk: I did some integration with the RESTful API for "Google Apps for your domain" and found tclcurl to be a godsend.
IRC [15:54] <cnk> Thanks for the tip. I am trying to touch as little as possible on the Tcl end (we are moving away from it as a platform) but will keep it in mind in case
IRC [16:10] *** justis parted the chat.
IRC [18:24] *** justis joined the chat.
IRC [18:29] *** justis parted the chat.
IRC [18:37] *** justis joined the chat.
IRC [20:14] *** cnk parted the chat.
IRC [21:09] *** fcr joined the chat.