IRC [08:10] *** lewellyn parted the chat.
IRC [08:10] *** lewellyn joined the chat.
IRC [12:20] *** daguz joined the chat.
IRC [12:24] <daguz> trying to figure out logging... and log rolling. ( wonder if I should use logroll instead):
IRC [12:26] <daguz> under ns/parameters I had maxbackup set to 5 but it was keeping 10. I'm lead to believe that I should be using "LogMaxBackup"
IRC [12:27] <daguz> Can I format the name of the serverlog roll file (like the access log)?
IRC [20:26] *** lewellyn parted the chat.
IRC [20:27] *** lewellyn joined the chat.
IRC [20:32] *** lewellyn parted the chat.
IRC [20:38] *** lewellyn joined the chat.
IRC [23:25] *** fcr parted the chat.
IRC [23:25] *** fcr joined the chat.