AOLserver Chat Logs


IRC [16:52] *** matt_ joined the chat.
IRC [16:53] *** matt_ parted the chat.
IRC [16:54] *** magmatt joined the chat.
IRC [16:56] <magmatt> I'm trying to present a pdf for download. ns_returnfile works great, but reading the file and using ns_return or ns_respond do not
IRC [16:56] <magmatt> I'd like to use the latter commands, if possible (so I don't have to actually make a file on disk)
IRC [17:51] <magmatt> For extra info I tried to post to the listserv... I'm not sure if it made it or not.
IRC [18:00] *** gavino joined the chat.
IRC [18:00] <gavino> having some trouble on netbsd
IRC [18:01] <gavino> bin/nsd -ft nsd.tcl -u g &
IRC [18:01] <gavino> results in
IRC [18:01] <gavino> Shared object "" not found
IRC [18:28] *** gavino parted the chat.
IRC [19:25] *** LumberCartel joined the chat.
IRC [19:25] *** LumberCartel parted the chat.
IRC [19:41] *** gavino joined the chat.
IRC [19:41] <gavino> how do i preserve the line breaks a unix command line command has, for example df -h, when I put such a command in an adp?
IRC [19:58] <gavino>
IRC [19:58] <gavino> one long ugly string
IRC [19:58] <gavino> not nice like when you do df -h at command line
IRC [20:14] *** gavino parted the chat.
IRC [21:44] *** elena joined the chat.
IRC [21:46] *** elena parted the chat.