''Phew.'' This is challenging. Using my phone's camera (plus Blender for graphics), I am trying to get good at posting Youtube videos ( http://youtube.com/user/DrFooBarson ). I am stuck using Windows, so some of the Open-Source tools are not available to me (for now). Here is the tool chain so far. ! Audio My phone's "Voice Recorder" app produces .amr files. I use the [Mobile AMR Converter|http://www.miksoft.net/mobileMediaConverter.php] to convert them to .wav, then use [Audacity|http://audacity.sourceforge.net/] to edit. ! Video !! Conversion My phone's camera produces .3gp files, and so far I have found these methods of transcoding: * [ffmpeg|http://ffmpeg.org/], e.g.: {{ffmpeg -i VIDEO_001.3gp Foo.wmv ffmpeg -i VIDEO_001.3gp Foo.mpg ffmpeg -i VIDEO_001.3gp -vf hflip,vflip -r 24 -vcodec rawvideo Foo.avi}} * [Format Factory|http://www.formatoz.com/] !! Analyzing An odd-interfaced but decent tool is [MediaInfo|http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en]. It will happily show the video codecs, dimensions, framerate, etc. !! Graphics [Blender|http://www.blender.org] and [The GIMP|http://www.gimp.org] !! Editing Amazingly, the only free video program I have found to remotely work is [Windows Movie Maker|http://www.tucows.com/preview/753874]. But WMM barely works. When I import a .mpg, sometimes the video is worthless. When I import a .wmv, sometimes everything works except for, get this, ''saving the final movie''. It takes a massive amount of determination and combinations of attempts to get something to work. (Note: I am slowly learning the Blender Video Editor. Maybe that can obsolete WMM for me.) A new approach I took was doing the editing on the command-line using [mpgtx|http://mpgtx.sourceforge.net/]. Example usage: {{mpgtx -j Foo.mpg [00:00:15-00:01:30] [00:01:45-] -o Out.mpg}} An interesting note: .mpg's can be concatenated together. E.g.: {{cat One.mpg Two.mpg Three.mpg > Final.mpg}}