Here's the trick. Go to: Then it will say this silly message about you "not using a supported web browser", and will not display the cert links. No problem, just *View Source* (hit Ctrl+U). Once in the source, you'll see links to four *.p7b files, conveniently turned into real links by Chrome. Download all four to a directory of your choosing. Then, from a terminal, cd to the directory, then run: {{for n in *.p7b; do certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t TC -n $n -i $n; done}} You don't have to restart Chrome or anything else. It should immediately start working, and you can test it by looking for the green {. color:green}https{/} in the URL bar for DoD web sites (such as ). Also, you do not get annoying certificate warnings. Also, the following should show the results of your cert import: {{certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb/ -L}} ! Once you're in... You'll probably be interested in [Logging in to AKO Webmail with Google Chrome on Linux].