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Vim Stuff

Difference between revisions from 2012/04/25 00:46 and 2012/04/25 00:38.
! Config

It's in here: []

! Improving Digraphs

I did a bit of processing on the output of Vim 7.3's :digraph command, so you can search it. (If you don't know how to use it already, you hit Ctrl+k in Insert Mode followed by the two ASCII codes that precede the letter, or you could do Ctrl+v uNNNN where NNNN is the number that follows the letter. Also, if you are using some other well-behaved application, such as most GTK ones, you can hit Ctrl+u followed by the NNNN then Enter)
* [vim-digraphs.txt|./doc/vim-digraphs.txt] - The stripped-down output of :digraph
* [vim-digraphs-oneline.txt|./doc/vim-digraphs-oneline.txt] - The same, but with 1 char per line
* [vim-digraphs-full.txt|./doc/vim-digraphs-full.txt] - Looping over the above, using it as input for Debian's [unicode|] program.
* [vim-digraphs-full-oneline.txt|./doc/vim-digraphs-full-oneline.txt] - Not terribly pretty, but at least it will grep.

(Note: The text files are not being served with UTF-8 explicitly set (due to a
misconfigruation in the server, which I don't fully control), so your browser may or may not show the chars correctly. If you save the file, it should be fine, though.)

What I want to see:
** :digraph! ← would output the same as the vim-digraphs-labeled.txt, above.
** :digraph subscript ← would search the above for anything that matches /subscript/i

! Snippets

Prefix with line numbers then a '.':
{{:%s/^/\=line('.') . ". "/}}

Last changed: 2012/04/25 00:46