This revision is from 2010/10/18 16:01. You can Restore it.
Commo Systems To Know - CW, Finger-spelling, etc.
Constructed Languages - Like Esperanto, Lojban. Just a curiosity.
Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication - "The mother of all models"
- referential (= contextual information)
- aesthetic (= auto-reflection)
- emotive (= self-expression)
- conative (= vocative or imperative addressing of receiver)
- phatic (= checking channel working)
- metalingual (= checking code working)
- One Cannot Not Communicate
- All communication includes, apart from the plain meaning of words, more information
- Both the talker and the receiver of information structure the communication flow differently and therefore interpret their own behaviour during communicating as merely a reaction on the other's behaviour ... Human communication cannot be desolved into plain causation and reaction strings, communication rather appears to be cyclic.
- Human communication involves both digital and analog modalities: Communication does not involve the merely spoken words (digital communication), but non-verbal and analog-verbal communication as well.
- Inter-human communication procedures are either symmetric or complementary, depending on whether the relationship of the partners is based on differences or rity. (?)
Narrowband Communication - Sprawls, but looks worthwhile
"Magnetic Headlines" - Thesis: Every sentence is to get you to read the next one until you get to the call to action.