- Bowling/Smalltalk - http://xprogramming.com/articles/bowlingforsmalltalk/
- Bowling/Java - http://blog.coryfoy.com/2006/08/tdd-bowling-game-part-1/
To Watch:
- Roman Numeral/Weirich: http://youtu.be/983zk0eqYLY
- Actually starts at 6m30s
- Runs tests in emacs terminal
- TODO: Continue from 12m+
- Corey Hanes: http://vimeo.com/7451624
- Uncle Bob: http://vimeo.com/7762511
- Tenderlove + Corey Hanes: They have a $12 one that is poorly scripted. Still might be worth checking out.
Use showterm (gem install showterm) to record speed runs.