IRC [00:08] *** jhavard parted the chat.
IRC [09:42] *** kriston joined the chat.
IRC [09:43] *** kriston parted the chat.
IRC [10:53] <daguz> what is the secret to getting nsmysql to link properly.
IRC [10:55] <partymola> daguz: what error are you getting exactly?
IRC [10:55] <daguz> nsmysql: mysql_select_db could not load
IRC [10:56] <daguz> so it builds but it does not have the mysql_select_db object...
IRC [10:56] <partymola> weird :/
IRC [10:56] <daguz> I have a "working" version. ldd shows that it is linked to libmysqlclient_r
IRC [10:56] <partymola> if i were, you i'd post that in the mailing list...
IRC [10:56] <daguz> but the non working version does not.
IRC [10:57] <partymola> oh
IRC [10:57] <partymola> have you checked that during configure step
IRC [10:57] <partymola> it detects the correct mysql version
IRC [10:57] <partymola> and says it's linking against it?
IRC [10:57] <daguz> No configure step... just a make file.
IRC [10:58] <daguz> ahh... I think I see now... I'm going to try something.. I think you sparked my idea.
IRC [10:59] <partymola> if it's just a makefile, you can manually modify it to make it link properly.... lol
IRC [11:00] <partymola> i don't use nsmysql myself, so i didn't know how it was built ;-)
IRC [11:00] <daguz> yes. but that is the question... I'm not so smart about how to do it exactly.
IRC [11:00] <partymola> if Dossy were here, he could be able to help us...
IRC [11:01] <Dossy> huh?
IRC [11:01] <partymola> hello, long time no see you :)
IRC [11:01] <Dossy> I'm packing for my trip right now ... a little busy :)
IRC [11:01] <partymola> oh
IRC [11:01] <partymola> daguz: go for the mailing list then ;-)
IRC [11:01] <partymola> Dossy: where are you going?
IRC [11:01] <Dossy> South Africa. 6 weeks.
IRC [11:02] <partymola> you're going to defend the ships from the somalian pirates? lol
IRC [13:15] <Dossy> lol haha yeah! that's it :)
IRC [13:15] <Dossy> ok, disconnecting in order to head to the airport. see y'all later!
IRC [15:47] *** jhavard joined the chat.
IRC [19:08] *** the_unmaker joined the chat.
IRC [19:08] <the_unmaker> http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/ADP why wont this work?
IRC [19:09] <partymola> the_unmaker: what's the problem?
IRC [19:11] <the_unmaker> it just spits out 'the time is'
IRC [19:11] <the_unmaker> no computation happened...
IRC [19:12] <the_unmaker> maybe function name changed in aolserver 4.5?
IRC [19:12] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [19:13] <partymola> if you check the page source
IRC [19:13] <partymola> you get everything in place
IRC [19:13] <partymola> including the closing tags
IRC [19:13] <partymola> but not the time?
IRC [19:14] <the_unmaker> let em look
IRC [19:14] <partymola> the_unmaker: i get also an empty string
IRC [19:14] <partymola> interesting
IRC [19:14] <EvilOtto> anything in your error log? with the standard parser, an error in one block will not keep the rest of the page from displaying.
IRC [19:14] <the_unmaker> get hourglass
IRC [19:14] <the_unmaker> one sec
IRC [19:15] <EvilOtto> in that wiki page the '[' shouldn't be doubled.
IRC [19:15] <partymola> EvilOtto: no, actually, all the page renders, but that block of code returns empty string
IRC [19:15] <the_unmaker> the stuff in the tags doesnt show in source
IRC [19:15] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [19:15] <EvilOtto> i.e., it should be <%= [ns_httptime [ns_time]] %> not <%= [[ns_httptime [ns_time]]] %>
IRC [19:16] <the_unmaker> bam that worked
IRC [19:17] <partymola> yep
IRC [19:17] <partymola> too many opening brackets
IRC [19:17] <partymola> square brackets
IRC [19:20] <the_unmaker> wow
IRC [19:20] <the_unmaker> I get 2 views of the wiki
IRC [19:20] <the_unmaker> fixed more extensive one
IRC [19:20] <the_unmaker> but the basic view I started with
IRC [19:21] <the_unmaker> no no its fine
IRC [19:21] <the_unmaker> broswer weirdness
IRC [19:21] <the_unmaker> anyway fixed on wiki
IRC [19:21] *** jhavard parted the chat.
IRC [19:21] <partymola> nice
IRC [19:27] <the_unmaker> smash bugs!
IRC [19:28] <the_unmaker> gaa now this one buggered:
IRC [19:28] <the_unmaker> http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/Writing_Your_First_ADP
IRC [19:29] <the_unmaker> the 'mixing html and tcl' bit
IRC [19:34] <the_unmaker> hmmmm
IRC [19:34] <the_unmaker> hmmmmmmmmmmm
IRC [19:34] <EvilOtto> what's not working?
IRC [19:34] <the_unmaker> http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/Writing_Your_First_ADP the adp under 'mixing html and tcl'
IRC [19:36] <EvilOtto> It works ok for me. What results are you seeing?
IRC [19:36] <the_unmaker> blank page
IRC [19:38] <EvilOtto> compeltely blank, even source view? is there anything in your error log?
IRC [19:38] <the_unmaker> one sec
IRC [19:39] <the_unmaker> <html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html> is what source shows
IRC [19:40] <the_unmaker> nslog only has access log
IRC [19:40] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [19:40] <EvilOtto> very odd, not even the "now lets count to 10" bit?
IRC [19:41] <the_unmaker> nope
IRC [19:41] <the_unmaker> i can pastebin the bugger
IRC [19:42] <EvilOtto> the error log is usually under the root, logs/server.log or logs/$servername.log ... I think
IRC [19:45] <the_unmaker> nopers
IRC [19:45] <the_unmaker> when I start aolserver, i should be root, and use -u to have it run as userX
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> ok now it works
IRC [19:47] <EvilOtto> so your startup script is something like "/home/aolserver/bin/nsd -u aolserver -t config.tcl", right? Is there a "log" dir directly under /home/aolserver?
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> I must have started it as user
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> not as root
IRC [19:47] <EvilOtto> nm then :)
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> bin/nsd -ft nsd.tcl -u myuser
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> does it need to be started as root always?
IRC [19:47] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [19:48] <EvilOtto> only needs to be started as root if you need to bind to port 80. Otherwise you can start as any user.
IRC [19:48] <the_unmaker> i am using port 8000
IRC [19:48] <the_unmaker> wonder why it works now...
IRC [19:49] <the_unmaker> also its not quite right accroding to the source
IRC [19:49] <the_unmaker> its says This is the main text part of the homepage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
IRC [19:49] <the_unmaker> there is no welcome part
IRC [19:49] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [19:50] <EvilOtto> did the %> closing tags get turned into %> or something when you pasted?
IRC [19:51] <the_unmaker> http://pastebin.ca/1261901 nope here it is
IRC [19:52] <the_unmaker> aolserver 4.5
IRC [19:52] <the_unmaker> linux
IRC [19:52] <the_unmaker> tcl 8.5.5
IRC [19:53] <the_unmaker> head tag is the header?
IRC [19:53] <the_unmaker> so it wont show?
IRC [19:53] <the_unmaker> hmmm
IRC [19:56] <EvilOtto> er no, head/title is the html page title. Should be the title of your browser window.
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> oh
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> then it looks good
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> heh
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> IM not so great at html
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> ;)
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> thx
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> so are there any adp guides?
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> this is cool
IRC [20:00] <the_unmaker> I see tcl for web nerds but its mostly tcl
IRC [20:03] <EvilOtto> adp *is* mostly tcl
IRC [20:04] <the_unmaker> so how do i get stuff from database n stuff
IRC [20:04] <the_unmaker> so 1 learn tcl 2 learn aolserver function to query db?
IRC [20:04] <the_unmaker> how do I get littel sortable columns liek monster.com
IRC [20:04] <the_unmaker> n stuff?
IRC [20:06] <EvilOtto> most of the best tutorials are probably on the wiki. database access is through tcl commands, see http://panoptic.com/wiki/aolserver/Accessing_A_Database
IRC [20:08] <EvilOtto> sortable columns can be done many different ways. You can do it completely on the client in javascript, with something like yui, or you could make each column header a link that changes the sort order in your select statement.
IRC [20:09] <EvilOtto> One simple js solution for sorted columns is sorttable - http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/
IRC [20:18] <the_unmaker> wow
IRC [20:19] <the_unmaker> hm is js ez to use or ?
IRC [20:19] <the_unmaker> I don't know js
IRC [20:19] <the_unmaker> hm
IRC [20:24] <EvilOtto> js is roughly on par with tcl for ease of use. (lots easier than say, java). It's a key component of any modern website tho, so you'll need to be somewhat familiar with it. Getting to learn a js toolkit is highly recommended. I'm partial to yui, but all the major ones are pretty decent (jquery, ext-js, dojo, prototype)
IRC [21:54] *** jhavard joined the chat.
IRC [23:28] *** jhavard parted the chat.