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Latest revision as of 14:56, 12 June 2007

# ns_dbquery --
#   Execute a SQL query against either a pool or an opened db handle,
#   and return the resultset as a list of lists.  The first list
#   contains the column names.
#   If the statement was a statement which does not return rows, the
#   result is an empty list.  TODO:  Perhaps return the number of rows
#   updated?

proc ns_dbquery {args} {
    if {([llength $args] - 1) % 2 != 0} {
        error "wrong # args: should be \"ns_dbquery ?-pool name\
            | -handle dbId? ?-timeout secs? sql\""
    foreach {key value} [lrange $args 0 end-1] {
        switch -exact -- $key {
            -pool { set pool $value }
            -handle { set handle $value }
            -timeout { set timeout $value }
    if {![info exists timeout]} {
        set timeout 0
    if {[info exists pool]} {
        set db [ns_db gethandle -timeout $timeout $pool]
    } elseif {[info exists handle]} {
        set db $handle
    } else {
        # Use default pool, if configured.
        set db [ns_db gethandle -timeout $timeout]
    if {![string length $db]} {
        error "couldn't get db handle"
    set res [catch {
        set resultset [list]
        if {[ns_db exec $db [lindex $args end]] eq "NS_ROWS"} {
            set row [ns_db bindrow $db]
            set columns [list]
            foreach {key value} [ns_set array $row] {
                lappend columns $key
            lappend resultset $columns
            while {[ns_db getrow $db $row]} {
                set data [list]
                foreach {key value} [ns_set array $row] {
                    lappend data $value
                lappend resultset $data
            ns_set free $row
    } err]
    if {![info exists handle]} {
        ns_db releasehandle $db
    if {$res} {
        error $err
    return $resultset