Revision as of 15:50, 17 January 2012 by Visitatvishal (talk | contribs)
part of AOL Database Configuration with PostgreSQL
<html> <head><title>Testing of Database connection</title></head> <body> A simple tcl script example of Database Configuration <% set pool "postgres_pool" set sql "select * from users where user_id = 1" set db [ns_db gethandle $pool] set rec [ns_db 0or1row $db $sql] if { $rec eq "" } { # no rows returned } else { # 1 row returned ns_puts [ns_set array $rec] } ns_db releasehandle $db %> </body> </html>
This command(ns_db 0or1row) expects the SQL to be a select statement that returns exactly zero or one row. On zero rows, a null string is returned. On one row, a newly allocated ns_set is returned. An error is thrown if more then one row is returned.