Ns guesstype
Revision as of 15:37, 20 March 2006 by (talk)
Man page: http://aolserver.com/docs/tcl/ns_guesstype.html
- ns_guesstype - Lookup MIME type based on file extension.
- ns_guesstype filename
- This command guesses and returns the MIME type of a file, based on the extension of filename. A large set of default extension to MIME type mappings is built into the command:
- .adp returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .dci returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .htm returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .html returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .sht returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .shtml returns "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
- .ai returns "application/postscript"
- .aif returns "audio/aiff"
- .aifc returns "audio/aiff"
- .aiff returns "audio/aiff"
- .ani returns "application/x-navi-animation"
- .art returns "image/x-art"
- .au returns "audio/basic"
- .avi returns "video/x-msvideo"
- .bin returns "application/x-macbinary"
- .bmp returns "image/bmp"
- .css returns "text/css"
- .csv returns "application/csv"
- .dcr returns "application/x-director"
- .dir returns "application/x-director"
- .dp returns "application/commonground"
- .dxr returns "application/x-director"
- .elm returns "text/plain"
- .eml returns "text/plain"
- .exe returns "application/octet-stream"
- .gbt returns "text/plain"
- .gif returns "image/gif"
- .gz returns "application/x-compressed"
- .hqx returns "application/mac-binhex40"
- .jfif returns "image/jpeg"
- .jpe returns "image/jpeg"
- .jpg returns "image/jpeg"
- .jpeg returns "image/jpeg"
- .js returns "application/x-javascript"
- .ls returns "application/x-javascript"
- .map returns "application/x-navimap"
- .mid returns "audio/x-midi"
- .midi returns "audio/x-midi"
- .mocha returns "application/x-javascript"
- .mov returns "video/quicktime"
- .mpe returns "video/mpeg"
- .mpeg returns "video/mpeg"
- .mpg returns "video/mpeg"
- .nvd returns "application/x-navidoc"
- .nvm returns "application/x-navimap"
- .pbm returns "image/x-portable-bitmap"
- .pdf returns "application/pdf"
- .pgm returns "image/x-portable-graymap"
- .pic returns "image/pict"
- .pict returns "image/pict"
- .pnm returns "image/x-portable-anymap"
- .png returns "image/png"
- .ps returns "application/postscript"
- .qt returns "video/quicktime"
- .ra returns "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
- .ram returns "audio/x-pn-realaudio"
- .ras returns "image/x-cmu-raster"
- .rgb returns "image/x-rgb"
- .rtf returns "application/rtf"
- .sit returns "application/x-stuffit"
- .snd returns "audio/basic"
- .sql returns "application/x-sql"
- .stl returns "application/x-navistyle"
- .tar returns "application/x-tar"
- .tcl returns "text/plain"
- .text returns "text/plain"
- .tgz returns "application/x-compressed"
- .tif returns "image/tiff" TIFF viewers
- .tiff returns "image/tiff" TIFF viewers
- .txt returns "text/plain"
- .xbm returns "image/x-xbitmap"
- .xpm returns "image/x-xpixmap"
- .xht returns "application/xhtml+xml"
- .xhtml returns "application/xhtml+xml"
- .xml returns "text/xml"
- .xsl returns "text/xml"
- .vrml returns "x-world/x-vrml"
- .wav returns "audio/x-wav"
- .wrl returns "x-world/x-vrml"
- .z returns "application/x-compressed"
- .zip returns "application/x-zip-compressed"
- The MIME type returned for an extension can be overriden in the AOLserver config file, and new mappings can be added, e.g.
ns_section "ns/mimetypes" ns_param ".xls" "application/vnd.ms-excel" ;# Add a mapping for Excel files ns_param ".sjis_html" "text/html; charset=shift_jis" ;# Adding a mapping, specifing charset ns_param ".adp" "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ;# Overriding an existing mapping
- The MIME type to be returned for files with unrecognized or missing extensions can also be specified in the "ns/mimetypes" section of the config file, e.g.
ns_section "ns/mimetypes" ns_param default "*/*" ;# MIME type for unrecognized extension. ns_param noextension "*/*" ;# MIME type for missing extension.
- If default is not configured, "*/*" will be returned for files with unrecognized extensions. If noextension is not configured, the MIME type configured as default (or "*/*") will be used.
- (Assuming configured with the examples above)
% ns_guesstype "hello.jpg" image/jpeg
% ns_guesstype "hello.xls" application/vnd.ms-excel
% ns_guesstype "hello.html" text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
% ns_guesstype "world.adp" text/html; charset=UTF-8
% ns_guesstype "world.doc"
- /*
% ns_guesstype somefile
- /*