Ns info

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Man page: http://aolserver.com/man/4.0/tcl/ns_info.html


ns_info - Return information about various aspects of the running AOLserver


ns_info option


This command provides information about the current state of the running AOLserver. The legal options (which may be abbreviated) are:
  • ns_info address
returns the primary IP address of this machine, or "" if unable to determine
  • ns_info argv0
returns the currently running nsd binary as launched and prior to normalizing path
  • ns_info boottime
returns the time in epoch seconds since the current server was started
  • ns_info builddate
returns the date and time at which the current server was compiled, e.g.: "Jul 20 2004 at 14:57:20"
  • ns_info callbacks
returns a list of all registered startup, pre-startup, shutdown, server shutdown, exit, and SIGHUP signal procs (e.g. scripts registered for SIGHUP with ns_atsignal). Each list element is itself a 3-element list like this:
{shutdown logclose d:/AOLserver/servers/server1/modules/nslog/access1.log}
  • ns_info config
returns the absolute path to the config file used to start the server
  • ns_info home
returns the current working directory of the server
  • ns_info hostname
returns the value of gethostname(), or "localhost" if that fails
  • ns_info label
returns the value of NSD_LABEL from nsd.h, e.g. "aolserver4_0"
  • ns_info locks
lists the mutexes that currently exist. A 5-element list is returned for each mutex: mutex name, {}, unique id, lock counter, busy counter
  • ns_info log
returns the name of the error log specified by the "serverlog" parameter in the "ns/parameters" section, or "server.log" if not defined. Prepends the server's current working directory
  • ns_info major
returns the value of NS_MAJOR_VERSION from ns.h, e.g. "4"
  • ns_info minor
returns the value of NS_MINOR_VERSION from ns.h, e.g. "0"
  • ns_info name
returns the value of NSD_NAME from nsd.h (currently 'AOLserver')
  • ns_info nsd
returns the absolute path to the currently running nsd binary
  • ns_info pageroot
returns the absolute path to the page root
  • ns_info patchlevel
returns the value of NS_PATCH_LEVEL from ns.h, e.g. "4.0.7"
  • ns_info pid
returns the process ID of the current nsd process
  • ns_info platform
returns the name of the current platform, or "?" if unable to determine
  • ns_info pools
returns the results of Tcl_GetMemoryInfo() function if exported by the Tcl build
  • ns_info scheduled
returns a list of all scheduled tasks in the current process (all virtual servers). Each list element is itself a 9-element list of {id, flags, interval, nextqueue, lastqueue, laststart, lastend, procname, arg}:
  • id - unique id returned by the scheduling command
  • flags - Bitmap of one or more of:
    • 1 -- NS_SCHED_THREAD
    • 2 -- NS_SCHED_ONCE
    • 4 -- NS_SCHED_DAILY
    • 8 -- NS_SCHED_WEEKLY
    • 16 - NS_SCHED_PAUSED
  • interval - interval specification (i.e. seconds from midnight for daily schedule)
  • nextqueue - Next time to queue for run
  • lastqueue - Last time queued for run
  • laststart - Last time run started
  • lastend - Last time run finished
  • procname - for tasks scheduled with ns_schedule_proc this will be ns:tclschedproc and arg will be the actual scheduled tcl script.
  • arg - client data
{4 4 10800 1254650400 1254564000 1254564000 1254564004 logroll d:/AOLserver/servers/dncscrub1/modules/nslog/access.log}
  • ns_info server
returns the name of the current virtual server. During the bootstrap process, when processing the config file, ns_info server returns the value of the -s parameter in AOLserver builds after 2004-12-02.
  • ns_info servers
returns a list of virtual servers in the current nsd process
  • ns_info sockcallbacks
returns a list of all socket callbacks such as the socket listening callback for the nscp module. Each list element is itself a 4-element list like this:
{540 {read exit} nscp { 9999}}
  • ns_info tag
returns the CVS tag (NSD_TAG from nsd.h); not guaranteed to be useful
  • ns_info tcllib
returns the path the virtual server's private tcl library - identical to [[[ns_library]] private]
  • ns_info threads
returns a list of all threads in the current process (all virtual servers). Each list element is itself a 7-element list of {name, parent, id, flag, ctime, procname, arg}:
  • name - current name of the thread
  • parent - parent thread name
  • id - id of the thread
  • flag - 1 if this is a detached thread, 0 otherwise
  • ctime - Thread creation time
  • procname - for conn threads this will be ns:connthread
  • arg - client data - for a running conn thread arg will be a 7-element list in the format returned by ns_server all - {conn id, peeraddr, "running", method, url, running time, bytes sent}:
{-default:3- -nssock:driver- 15480 0 1254437214 ns:connthread {3536 running GET /_stats 0.15624 0}}
Note that running time is returned in seconds.microseconds format which is misleading because 0.100 does not mean a tenth of a second, it means 100 microseconds.
  • ns_info uptime
returns the number of seconds since the process started
  • ns_info version
returns the major.minor version string (i.e. 4.5)
  • ns_info winnt
returns 1 if the platform is Windows, 0 otherwise


