This revision is from 2010/08/11 11:15. You can Restore it.
Pictures encountered during RosettaStone use:(Edit)
To illustrate, "The woman is wet." | "The man washes himself." | Maybe I'm propagating stereotypes, but I doubt these people would get away with this much Public Display of Affection in Iran. |
"A man in need of money." | Notice how much the seller doubts the guy is going to read that book. |
"Why are you washing your hands?"
"Because my hands are dirty." <Shows piles of dirt on hands>
When it's time to get some RosettaStone hands dirty, it's time to get some hands darty.
"I need to buy a TV."
"Because my TV is busted."
"I can read Farsi!" <"And it was exactly what I was looking for in life. I am no longer a failure and now that people will love me I will probably become President of the United States or perhaps the Moon when such a colony is developed. I think it is time to go celebrate with some delicious fattening foods, recreation and recreational substances. Look out world plus written Farsi, here I come!">
Left-handed people writing is creepy.